Nursing careers



Training and orientation program in nursing

A human approach

The Montreal Heart Institute is well known for its focus on the human aspect, which applies to both patients and nurses. Since welcoming and integrating our new nurses is a priority, MHI trainers use a friendly and reassuring approach, and they are highly available for each new nurse from the very beginning. Throughout the one-year learning and integration process, clinical supervisors are available at all times, and each nurse receives thorough and personalized coaching.

To help new nurses become true members of the workplace, the MHI has a shadowing program provided by its New Nurses Committee, whose mission is to help new members of the team carry out their new duties to the best of their ability. There is nothing better than advice from a co-worker who just went through the same experience to make you quickly feel like part of the team!

A care model that puts people first

The MHI focuses on a “caring” model of nursing, which has a family-based component inspired by the McGill philosophy. This approach is patient-centered. The core values of our care model are respect, human dignity, individual potential, the recognition of personal freedom, integrity, and rigorous practices. With our model, the ultimate goal of patient care is to promote and maintain well-being, wellness, harmony, a dynamic balance, comfort and relief. The expertise in palliative care developed at the MHI clearly illustrates how we integrate this model into daily nursing practice.