Assistant professor, Université de Montréal
Dr. Henri completed her doctorate in medicine at Université de Montréal in 2006 and her graduate diploma in cardiology in 2012. Then she did a fellowship in advanced echocardiography and valvular disease at Université de Liège, Belgium, where she gained growing interest in the evaluation of patients with aortic stenosis. In 2015, Dr. Henri joined the Montreal Heart Institue where she works as echocardiographist. She also acts as assistant professor in medicine at Université de Montréal. She is a member of the evaluation committee for percutaneous valvular therapies, a member of the organisational committee for the Reseach Day, a member of the ethics committee and of the heart failure clinical research group. Her research findings and medical expertise made her win the “Young investigator award” for clinical research at the European Association of Cardiovascular Imaging 17th annual meeting in 2013, the 2nd rank at the e-poster competition at the 3rd EuroValve congress, and be invited at the Japanese Society of Echocardiography 25th annual scientific meeting.
Valvulopathy: aortic stenosis