


Dr. Catherine Martel

Title(s), professional position(s) and university affiliation(s): 

Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine, Université de Montréal

Catherine Martel

Catherine Martel obtained her PhD from the Université de Montréal, and pursued a postdoctoral fellowship first at Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York, then at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, Missouri, and obtained the Junior Investigator Award for Women from the American Heart Association (ATVB). Her postdoctoral work, cited in numerous publications and international meetings, is certainly groundbreaking and  bring forward new considerations in the field:  she discovered that the lymphatic vessel route, the network that runs in parallel with the blood vessels, is critical for removing cholesterol from multiple tissues, including the aortic wall. Catherine Martel’s research program thus now focuses on characterizing the physiopathologic role of the lymphatics in the initiation, progression and regression of atherosclerosis. Basic and translational research will allow her team to identify the causes of lymphatic dysfunction, and eventually target potential therapeutic strategies aiming at improving lymphatic function at the different levels of the atherothrombotic disease.

Selected publications

C. Martel, W. Li, B. Fulp, A.M. Platt, E.L. Gautier, M. Westerterp, R. Bittman, A.R. Tall, S.H. Chen, M.J. Thomas, D. Kreisel, M.A. Swartz, M.G. Sorci-Thomas, G.J. Randolph. Macrophage reverse cholesterol transport in mice relies on the lymphatic vasculature. J Clin Invest. 2013; 123(4):1571–1579. (Selected to be featured in “JCI Impact” and as one of the journal’s infrequent but occasional releases on Facebook).

C. Martel, G. J. Randolph. Atherosclerosis and transit of HDL through the lymphatic vasculature. Curr Atheroscler Rep. 2013 Sep;15(9):354. (Special feature in (Corresponding author)

A.M. Platt, J.M. Rutkowski, C. Martel, E.L. Kuan, S. Ivanov, M. A. Swartz, G. J. Randolph. Scarce lymphatic capillaries can be sufficient to support normal murine dendritic cell mobilization. J Immunol. 2013 May 1;190(9):4608-20.

S. Ivanov, C. Martel. Does lymphatic growth rely on immune cell function? OA Immunology 2013 Sep 01;1(1)8.

C. Martel, J. Yao, C.H. Huang, J. Zou, G. J. Randolph , L.V. Wang. Photoacoustic lymphatic imaging with high spatial-temporal resolution. Journal of Biomed Optic. 2014. In press.

H. Zhang, R. Temel, C. Martel. Advances in cholesterol - Recent Highlights of ATVB. ATVB, September 2014. Special Issue on Cholesterol / Invited review.

Research interest(s) 

Lymphatic function
Cholesterol/cellular transport 

Contact informations

514-376-3330 ext. 2977